St. Albert Paper Arts Guild

In 2007, a group of like-minded practising master- and intermediate-level paper and book artists came together to form the St. Albert Paper Arts Guild.

We meet on a regular basis to cultivate the exchange of ideas and techniques in a supportive and sharing environment. As inspiration we bring in regional, national and international artists for workshops and partner with organizations on exhibitions and projects.

The Guild encourages and promotes the awareness of paper and book arts in our community through participation in community celebrations, events, exhibitions and workshops. Some of our works can be found in W.A.R.E.S. Gift Shop, located in the Visual Arts Wing of St. Albert Place.

The Guild is also an integral part of SAPVAC Exhibition Guilded, held at the Art Gallery of St. Albert every two years and has been honoured to have made paper and bound a number of St. Albert commemorative books. The Guild accepts applications throughout the year.

Areas of expertise are: altered books; artist books; book conservation & preservation; boxes, wraps & enclosures; calligraphy; collage; chigiri-e; cyanotype; dyeing – paper & fabric; image transfer; letterpress; marbling; suminagashi;  papermaking; paste papers; paper treatment; printmaking; surface decoration, and traditional & historic bookbinding.


St. Albert Paper Arts Guild